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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Archery Terms

archery terms
There are lots of archery terms that are thrown about and it can be a bit confusing for beginners at first. More often than not, these terms refer to common things. If you’re just starting out, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with all of the archery terms that are used. This will avoid any confusing when you’re beginning to learn. The lingo will vary depending on location, but most of the terms are quite universal. So, let’s get on with it! Here is a list of the most common archery terms.

Anchor Point – The point where an archer rests his string while aiming. It is typically the corner of the mouth or face.
Archer – Anyone who practices archery. Also referred to as a bowman.
Archer’s Paradox – This is the common effect that is created by an arrow whenever it leaves the bow. It is the motion of an arrow when it flexes.
Archery – This is the action of using a bow to fire arrows.
Arm Guard – This is a piece of archery equipment that protects your wrist from string slap.
Arrow – These are the projectiles that are used when practicing archery.
Arrowhead – This is the sharp or pointed end of the arrow which is also known as a head, point or tip.
Arrow Rest – The area that is used to hold an arrow in place before firing.

Blunt – This is the type of tip that is used for hunting small game. It’s typically unsharpened.
Bodkin point – Bodkin points are a sharp arrow tip.
Bolt – Similar to an arrow, these are the projectiles that are used for crossbows.
Boss – A type of target that’s typically made from foam.
Bowman – Person who practices archery. Same as archer.
Bow – The piece of equipment that is used to fire arrows.
Bowfishing – This is a type of bow hunting that involves using an arrow with a line attached to it in order to catch fish.
Bowhunting – The action of using a bow to hunt animals. A common type of game for bow hunting is deer.
Bow String – This gives your bow the tension in order to fire a projectile.
Bowyer – A person who creates or repairs bows.
Brace – This is referring to the action of stringing up a bow.
Brace Height – The distance between the string and the pivot point near the bow’s grip.
Bracer – A type of protective device that protects from string slap. This is the same as an arm guard.
Broadhead – A type of arrow tip that is typically used for hunting
Bullseye – The centermost area of a target. This may also refer to the act of hitting the centermost area of the target.
Butts – Type of target that is made from mounds of dirt.

Clicker – This piece of equipment will allow an archer to determine his draw length.
Clout Shoot – This is a type of shoot where archers shoot at an arc in order to hit a flat target.
Composite Bow – Refers to a bow that is crafted from various types of materials.
Compound Bow – Type of bow that utilizes a series of pulleys.
Crossbow – Type of bow that features a stock and shoots bolts.

Daikyu – Type of Japanese longbow
Decurve Bow – Similar to a recurve bow, but the limbs curve toward the archer.
Deflex Bow – Type of bow in which the entire length curves toward the shooter
Drawing – The act of pulling back a bow string in preparation to fire.
Draw Weight – This is how many pounds that a bow is able to launch an arrow at.
Dry Fire – Shooting a bow without launching an arrow.

English Longbow – Type of bow that is typically straight and does not feature and arrow rest. Also known as a Welsh longbow.

Field Archery – Refers to the act of practicing archery in an open field.
Field Tip – Type of tip that is used for target practice because of its unsharpened point.
Finger Tab – A piece of protective gear, typically made of leather that is used to protect the archer’s fingers.
Flatbow – A non-recurved bow with a rectangular cross section
Fletching – Refers to the veins that are located at the end of an arrow in order to allow it to fly straight.
Flex – This is how much an arrow will bend when fired.
Flu-Flu – Type of arrow that is designed to have a shorter flight range.
Footed Arrow – Type of arrow that’s made of multiple types of wood.

Glove – Protective equipment that guards an archer’s fingers from getting sore.
Gungdo – A technique of archery that originated in Korea.

Hankyu – Relatively small bow that is native to Japan
Head – The front part of an arrow which is also known as a tip or point.
Horse Archer- Someone who practices archery whilst on horseback.

Index Fletching – A vein that is designated to show the proper arrow alignment.

Judo Points – Type of arrow tip that is equipped with spring wires so it’s easily retrieved.

Kisser – Type of equipment that is used to show consistent vertical draw distance.
Kyudo – Form of archery that is native to Japan.

Longbow – This is a D shaped bow that is typically very tall. Often times it’s as tall as the archer that is shooting it.
Loose – Means to shoot an arrow from a bow.
Laminated Bow – Type of bow that is made by laminating multiple materials together.
Limb – The upper and lower regions of a bow.
Longrod – Equipment that’s attached to bow in order to decrease vibration.

Mounted Archer – An archer who is practicing while on horseback.
Mongolian Draw – Technique that is used by drawing a bow with a thumb.

Nock- The area at the end of an arrow that is used to wedge it into place on a bow string. This can also refer to the action of placing an arrow in place onto the arrow nock.
Nocking Point – Area on a bow where an arrow nock is to be placed.

Overdrawn – Situation where the bow string is not long enough for a bow.

Plunger or Pressure Button – Type of equipment that is used in order to correct an arrows flex upon release.
Point – The upper region of an arrow. Also known as a head, tip or arrowhead.

Quarrel – Type of projectile that is used with a crossbow. Also known as a bolt.
Quiver – A sleeve that holds an archer’s arrows.

Recurve Bow – Type of bow that has limbs that curve away from the archer.
Reflex Bow – Type of bow which has a handle and arms that curve away from the archer.
Release – Refers to when an archer fires an arrow. Also known as loose.
Rest – Region on a bow that holds an arrow in place until fired. Also known as an arrow rest.
Riser – This is the handle area of a bow.

Safety Arrow – Type of arrow that features a wide tip that is used for reenactments or practice.
Self Bow – Type of bow that is typically made from one piece of material.
Serving – Refers to the extra thread that is bound around a bow string in order to protect in from snapping.
Shaft – The body or tube of an arrow.
Spine – Type of measurement that refers to the stiffness of an arrow.
Stabilizer – Piece of equipment that is used to help an archer balance a bow.
Stave – A piece of wood that a bow is made from.

Thumb Ring – A piece of equipment that protects an archer’s thumb.
Tip – Refers to the point, head or arrowhead of an arrow.

Upshot – Refers to the last shot taken in an archery contest.

Vane – This is the fin of an arrow that allows it to be stabilized while in flight.

Welsh Longbow – Type of straight bow that is also referred to as a longbow.

Yew – A common type of wood that is used to make bows.

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